Comments and Reflections
Your Voice
I am presently in China, but I'm going back home to Montreal in a few weeks. Listening to your harp and voice instantly got me in a state of dream! :) I never got to hear your play, and never got to see you really. Your voice is really beautiful, I can only imagine how your home is when you sing. Thank you for making it available :) Keep me posted concerning your CD okay? Great blessings upon you mon amie :) ~ Chirine ~ Hangzhou, China
Je suis trs intresse...
... de savoir quand le CD sort car je suis tombe amoureuse de votre voix. Cest magnifique!!!! Bonne continuation et je vous souhaite beaucoup de succs ( voir les nombreux commentaires sur Youtube, je pense que a ne devrait pas poser trop de problmes...) ~ Coraline ~ Belgique
Your voice
In the time I first heart it I felt very sad.There is so much which went wrong in my life and sometimes I even thought of quitting everything. When I first listened to your voice I had to cry since the beauty and the claerness overwhelmed me with joy. Since I discovered your video I know how beautiful life can be how much worth of living life is. Now I dont think about quitting my life anymore since I know how wonderful life can be. ~ Andreas ~ Germany
what beautiful music!
What a beautiful gift you have been given! I play the harp as well and your voice and playing have been a great inspiration. I will be happy to purchase the CD and support such beautiful music. I would also like to know a little more about the song if you don't mind telling me. Many blessings. ~ Aubrey ~ Charleston, South Carolina
Harpistry -
Dear soul - I would very much like to be on the waiting list for your CD~ Please do keep me informed, should it reach completion. ;0) you are a beautiful inspiration~ Thankyou -Jason USA -
must get it!!!
I heard your music and i was fascinated how clearly and beatifull she is!! If you dont had answer at youtube,i will get to Straburg;-) Thanks!!! Please send soon!! Carsten Germany - Colonia
I stumbled on the youtube video and what a treasure! Please put me on the waiting list for your cd. You have truely captured the hearts of all who hear you! Even though I haven't a clue as to what you are saying, your voice and the music transcends all languages. It is so beautiful. God's continued blessings to you and your family! ~ Nancy ~ USA - Oklahoma
hello there.... i randomly watched a video of yours on youtube.... i got charmed by your voice and the magical way your fingers slide on the strings of the harp.... you are a magical creature... how can i get more of your music? and stay in touch with you...? ~ manolis papaioannou ~ greece greetings...
Your cd...
Dear Yasmeen, It feels like I understand you in some way, and I wish I lived in France and knew you so we could sing angelic duets together...
Both me and my boyfriend listened to you on youtube and got touched by your beautiful voice, clothing and soul. It is something really special with you. It would be pleasant to join the waiting list to your cd.
You inspire me and serve as a model. I wish you all luck... ~ Nicoline ~ Sweden
you set my spirit soaring
I have been so haunted by your voice and your harp playing since I stumbled across the video of you
on YouTube. I am so delighted to know that you are producing a cd. I would love to be on your
waiting list. How is is possible to order and assist you? Do you know when the cd will be available
for purchase? I, too, play a celtic harp and you have inspired me infinitely. You have a soul of
great beauty and depth. You resonate with something deep within me. Sr. Benedicta Wallace OSB ~ Germany
You're voice and music is beautiful. I would love to get a CD. I hope you may be an inspiration to all who come across you, as you have to me. ~Adele ~ Australia Eldar ArghoZ [at] msn [dot] com Your music is magnificent, both you and your voice is beutifull.
Its nice to see someone play a old instrument with skill :) ~Eldar Norway Vakkert
You have a rare serene i'll sleep peacefullly:) Jtte ~Denmark
Thank you.
You have the power to make believe that greek mithology was true. We have been expecting you for so long my dear. Soon more people will be able to feel and enjoy the godness trough this music, together more then ever. If you need something in Brasil, you have a partner. Best wishes for you and family sweet heart. Om namah shivaya! ~Gustavo J S Nonnenberg ~ Brasil
you have the voice of an angel which touches my heart and puts tears in my eyes by the sheer beauty of your music. god has blessed you in so many ways. thank you ~ robert ~ usa
Bonjour Yasmeen! Je t'aime!
You have a very rare and precious voice. Thank you for creating such beautiful sounds! Your powerful music profoundly affects me.... :) I hope to buy your cd very soon! ~Amanda ~ Canada
Nice to hear something different for a change. You remind of Sigur Ros. I like how you recall your method of singing, because Sigur Ros does the same thing. They dont have a language, but yet when they sing, it sounds great, so does your songs. I'm wondering how you started singing like this? Your an unconventional singer. I had been planning to sing like this for awhile, but its kinda different from yours. I will post it here later, hope you get to listen to it :P . ~Leo(Dream) ~California, USA
CD in the USA?
I really hope that your CD will be available in the USA. The samples sound fantastic. Perhaps you could even make it available for download. Derek Webb (of Caedmon's Call fame) has started a fantastic download site called Noise Trade that would be fantastic for your music. However it happens, please find a way to release your stuff in the US. Thank you for giving in to inspiration. ~ Joshua Nicholson ~ Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Thank You
I truely have never heard such a beautiful voice, and I would like to Thank You, for helping me with all the anger that I keep inside myself. My heart ached with a sense of calm that I have not felt for so long. My eyes teared just watching your video, its amazing and so hauting. I really hope that your CD will be available here in Hawaii, Aloha for now! ~ Anthony Agustin ~ Honolulu, HI, USA
Quite possibly the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. I saw the video on youtube before I went to work and I just couldn't get the voice out of my head. Just wow. Hopefully your CD will be available in Sweden. Thank you for making such beautiful music. Never stop singing! ~ Azela ~ Gothenburg, Sweden
Thank you*
I listen to your song over and over again and still have to cry, because its touching my heart so deeply. I can see the beauty of god inside you.Keep on singing, let your light shine - you make the world a better place. Love, Sascha ~ Berlin
healing voice
Thank u for youre healing voice, thats what your voice is!! a channel to heal the ones that hear you. I listened your song a lot of times, because it brings me peace, love and armonie to my live, to my soul. It makes me connect with my soul!! You are a terrenal angel and I am glad that you are doing what your soul wants to do!! You also inspired me to sing more and share it!! So thank u again!! your songs bring love, peace and armonie to the world!! It is just .. ~ Paula ~Costa Rica (Central America)
Ancient and modern
I've played the Youtube clip of you singing and playing harp in Strasbourg many times. Every
time I hear it I feel like I'm listening to a sound that could have come from centuries ago, or
yesterday. I hear a natural, skilful, and wonderful talent in you, and I wish you the best of luck in your career. ~ John K. Berner ~ Wisconsin, USA
Beautiful Music
Your Beautiful,Haunting playing and singing makes time stand still,and soothes the heart &
soul.Rare talent !!nrare beauty! ~ Pat Walsh ~ Australia
Yasmeen, your voice gave me goosebumps all over... beautiful. :)
I found the clip of you playing in Strasbourg and can't stop listening... its like a drug!
Bittersweet and haunting... I can't wait to hear your CD! Awesome! :) ~ Shelly ~ UK
I've watched you singing in Strasbourg and your voice took my soul to heaven, and every detail
seemed to be perfect. Yes, it was.
And You're very beautiful. The harp and you seems to be only one. I hope to get your Cd. I don't know how, but I'll try
Congratulations. ~ Ian Bourdoux Dantas ~ Belm - Brazil
Thanks for your music!
To say I liked your music is to say nothing. It awakens all those feelings, dreams, fantasies - half
ever dreamed, half ever existed. Something that never has been, but always there is. Something one
barely touched or experienced, but momentarily half-materializing in our world to flash and
disappear back in the ocean of the eternity.
Thanks a lot !; to put it simple.
Now I should think how to handle ( I am not in France by now ) the purchase of your cd. ~ archaeopteryxus ~
I am an aspiring writer and I came across your video that someone had posted on YouTube. All I can say is that I cried from listening to your haunting voice. Absolutely beautiful and angelic. I
can't wait for your CD to come out. Where can I buy it? ~ Natalie ~ San Francisco, CA
I agree 100% with everything everyone has said, you are amazing, in a world full of anger, hate and
complicated modern deception, you and your music are one very real, true beautiful relief. thanks.~ Blake Wells ~ Oztralia
when angels sing
this is really very beautiful, very sweet, soothing, inspiring, and extremely touching of the soul.
In summary, i can say it is like a voice of an angel. Can't wait to listen for more of this
wonderful harp and singing on your upcoming CD. You really don't know how much i felt relaxed
and soothed hearing you. Thank you and keep up this wonderful work. ~ karim ~ Ottawa-Canada
Tout simplement magnifique .Il n'y a pas de mots suffisamment fort pour dcrire ce que
l'on ressent en vous coutant .
Jattends avec impatience votre CD , voir mieux votre visite sur Paris . Amicalement ~ Luc ~ France - Cergy
the youtube video i saw was flawless (except that it was cut short)!!
please, please make the cd available in the UK by postage via ye olde t'internet
i have played your music to many, musician and listener alike and i am yet to hear a bad word from
anybody!! ~ Cliff ~ Bristol, UK
thank you :)
I love your voice! Praise be God. Please let me know when your CD will come out many of us are
impatient to buy it. Good luck with your journy to God and your life. God bless you and your
Jesus loves you ~ Nashwa Rizkallah ~ Montreal canada thank you :)
Om namah shivaya Yasmeen. Nice to know you are here.
"When darkness meets light, this eyes cry in recognition. Like looking to within and discovering it inside."
Well, its just something I felt when I heard your grace. I would like to feel it more times and
understand your art better. May I have a cd ?
Obrigado. Gustavo Jos Sousa Nonnenberg, Rio - Brasil
I watch your video in Youtube by "accident" but I love it. Please let me know how I can
buy a copy of your CD. ~ Mauricio Mendoza ~ Merida, Yucatan, MEXICO Sencillez y Belleza
your music is something beyond this world ~ Elvis ~ Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
You are truly blessed with transcedence Yasmine. If you are a subject to reincarnaton your soul
shall become free after this life. Though you may not be recognized fully yet you are one with the
harp and the song. I will remember your song forever, and I am sure your name will stay in peoples
minds. You have found your way to immortality. I hope to meet you some day. Many wishes to you and
everyone you consider dear. Rock on! ~ Rafa ~ Warsaw, Poland
your music is magical, as well as your voice. I loved just by the first minute i listened to it!
it's like you become a fairy each time you sing!you surely were one in your ex life! you have
total support by me! i hope one day i'll see you in Greece! ~ Silver Mina ~Piraeus, Greece
Thank you
I was sent a video of you in Stratbourg on youtube..You are very special for allowing yourself to
open up to love.
To could I order your cd and what price is it?
Thank you
Nicolas ~ Toronto, Canada
very beautiful
hello yasmeen, i have loved seeing you on u-tube!!! congratulations on all you are doing!!
i am wondering if you have a mailing address...for a christmas card.
maggie is a new name..i'll sign with my old one as well and great big hug, maggie louise
xoxoxoxo ~ canada
Your music and voice are so beautiful and ethereal. When I listen to you music, it's almost
like I'm in a heavenly dream.
Like many other people, I too wondered what language you were singing in when I first saw a video of
you on youtube, but after I found out that you just sang from your heart and soul, I only thought
your music was more incredible. May you continue to bring your music to life for all to hear.
When exactly will your CD be coming out and at. ~ Timothy ~ Singapore
CD and concerts
Your music is hauntingly beautiful and your voice equals them of the fairies. Please, please give me
a call, when your cd is ready. Are you coming to Germany as well in 2009, maybe to Cologne or
Stuttgart? Hopefully I can hear you in the great cathedral of Cologne once this is a building which
deserves a voice like yours.
Greetings from Pune, India and all, all my best to you.
Bye see you!!! ~ Andreas ~ Pune, India
Your Voice
I wanted to tell you that you make beautiful music. I have listened to your song on You Tube for a
long time and I was pleased to find you now have a website and that you are touring. So, what you
are singing is not a real language at all?! The voice is an instrument too, used in more ways than
one would think. I was also wondering what your spirituality is all about.
All the best! ~Ashli ~ Winnipeg, Canada
Your website is so beautiful and I cn't wait to hear your music. Unfortunately we have no
choice but to only have dial-up at the lake and keep getting booted off when we try to listen to
your music. You look inspiringly amazing. We hop;e that we can order a cd an d take it with us to
beautiful Mexico this winter.
Your art work is so moving!
Sue and Garth Hidson ~ edmonton, alberta
Comme beaucoup d'internautes, j'ai dcouvert ta musique sur la vido You-Tube. Ta voix
cristalline est merveilleuse et nous transporte mme capela. a nous change de ce que l'on
peut entendre ces temps ci dans certaines missions tv. Merci ! J'essaierai de trouver le CD
avant Nol pour l'offrir ma mre. Elle va adorer ! J'espre que tu viendras chanter
bientt dans la cathdrale de fourvire Lyon. ~ Dadalou ~ France, Lyon
can't wait!
So I was finally able to listen to your sample songs. I am so glad that you have O Habibi on there,
because I recognize it from the one you are playing in the video on youtube. :)
Keep me updated on when your album is ready! Thank you!
Much light,
Natalie ~ San Francsico, CA
Equally matched that of an angel
When I first heard you on youtube, my heart flurried and melted into your delicate but rich voice. I
knew what you were playing was beyond human comprehension---something beyond logical words. I was
shivering all over! I'm so glad you have a site --- I thought the video was of some random
tourist walking by, became captivated, and starting filming you! Wow, I'm glad I was wrong.
You are beyond words, equally matched that of an angel. ~ Melissa ~ St Charles, MO
You have a very angelic voice and I just fell in love with your music and the sound your harp that
collaborates it together peacefully..a thing to hear in a lifetime and wish you well on your journey
to a musician. I look forward to your cd and music. thank you!!
XOXOXO, ~ Elias Abq, NM
Your CD
I've just heard your music for the first time and I cannot describe how entrancing I find it.
Please, do you think it would be possible for you to sell your music over the Internet or otherwise
make it available? I feel a need to hear more but the amount available is so dreadfully limited. ~ Jennifer ~ Toronto, Canada
i really have no words now to explain how touched i am, and how haunted.. speechless..
just one little comment, your name is arabic isnt it? yasmeen means jasmine, and your
"habibi" my love, "mawlana" our lord.. dunno if its just that your harmonic
singing got those arabian tone in it or is it that you really relate some how to an arbian origin..
btw, why does singing has to have a language? music doesnt, it communicates explains cheers and
cries without. btw, why does singing has to have a language? music doesnt, it communicates explains cheers and
cries without words, so as your vocal harmonies ~ Yuna
I found a clip from youtube, were you singing in Strasbourg. Your voice and playing the harbt is so
beautiful. I think it`s amazing that you never sing same text, that you always changing depending of
your mood and fellings. I must get the cd!
kiss and hug Veronica from Sweden
Dear Yasmeen:
I heard your beautiful voice on a video of a website, I love your voice! is really beautiful!
I have 15 years. I'm learning to sing, I love Celtic and medieval music.
I would like to learn to sing that song to my mother!
She likes to sing to me, that is something very beautiful!
I hope that I respond, and if you can send music.
Many blessings to you, and forgive my English, but in my country speak Spanish!
~Carla ~Chile
Gosh Your voice is heavenly. US
Hello Yasmeen,
I found you on Youtube, and since then I've been awestruck by your genuine beauty and spirit. I
am no musician but seeing you play your harp and sing your songs inspired me. Maybe sometime in my
life I can play with the passion you do. Thank you for sharing your talents.
-Sincerely, Sherry ~ Canada
Thank you,
thank you for your voice, your talent.
I hope to buy CD with your music.
Completely yours,
Angels Descending and Ascending
Yasmin, you're the best!
Again it is like David and Saul you calm my force for moments of reflection.
Ceraph ~ Costa Rica
your art is unbelievable. the way you sing, the way you play your harp. i heard your song on a
website today. all of my worries, stress were gone when i heard your voice. thank you for sharing
your beautiful talents.
Still amazed,
Tim ~ America
Hello Yasmeen,
i would like to order your cd, please send me your bankdates...
so that i can buy something thats priceless.
you Unchain the colours before my eyes, keep on sowing new seeds to strengthening old roots...
Tillmann ~ North-Germany
i dont know why, but your song o habibi feels me with hope, thanks ~ el cheese ~ mexico
gnothi se auton
i am not a religious man;there are things that we don t understand and things that we will never are an angel.thank you. ~ cojuelo ~neopolis
trasbourg again, please
Please you have to come and sing in front of Strasbourg's cathedral before Christmas, I want to
see that before leaving this town! Otherwise I will have to compel you to come to Annecy to give a
concert ! ~ Pauline ~ Strasbourg
Me siento genial, tu musica basto para curarme de una deprecion muy agraviante, me enamoraste,
gracias por existir, adoro tu musica, me siento tan bien, quisiera decirte que te amo.
I feel genial, your music I am enough to recover of a very offending deprecion, you inspired love in
me, thank you for existing, I adore your music, sit down so well, it wanted to say to you, I love
you. ~ Jose Luis Romero ~ Mexico
CD for sale
I've came across one of your song on youtube, I think it's called O Habibi. I think it is
great, and I don't even like this kind of music. That's maybe because of my religion,
anyways, were could I order your CD(s) ?
Someone that knows? ~ Hkon ~ Norway
Just wanted to say wow! You have such a beautiful voice & your youtube video is beyond words, or
just simply Beautiful! Thanks for making a youtube video of it. So much passion and love in your
playing you can feel it! Peace ~ Dennis Arizona USA
You are AMAZING!
We love your music, you sing and play like a fairy!
Thanks for give us your faith, feeling and voice. ~ Madyana and Netto Epfel ~ Brazil
Magnifique ! Un enchantement ! Quand je pense que je suis tombe par hasard sur cette vido sur
YouTube... le hasard fait bien les choses. Voix ethre, divine, harpe magique, musique cleste...
O puis-je trouver votre CD ? ~ Marion ~ Rennes, France
dear yasmeen! =)
i saw you at youtube and i'm really amazed by the way you sing and play! as you wrote that
you're playing the harp for 2 years, i have a question: did you learn it on your own or did you
have a teacher? because, i'm trying to teach myself the harp for nearly a year now, as i
can't find a teacher, and i have the feeling that my playing is not really improving that
much... so i would like to knwo how you got to play so wonderful. Ariann ~ germany
Hello Yasmeen,
first of all: I love O habibi since i saw the video on youtube... your voice is magical... great
music- don't stop playing it ;)
and I'd like to order a cd, please answer where i can buy one, please :)))
and i'm also interested who built your harp, can you say me the builder? and maybe how many
strings it got...?
mauri ~ black forest
Suche nach Cd von yasmeensong
Hallo Yasmeen!
Ich horte Deine Musik auf YouTube und war total begeistert! Ich mochte sehr gerne eine CD von Dir
kaufen. Wurde mich freuen, wenn ich in Kurze Deine Bankverbindung bekame. Mache weite so tolle
Musik! Wunsche Dir ganz viiiiel Erfolg!!!! Planst Du auch Auftritte in Deutschland? Wenn ja,- lab
es mich bitte wissen.
Beste Grube von Jochen Hentschel ~ 27576 Bremerhaven
You're Music
I saw you on Youtube, and when I heard you voice...I fascinated. It sent chills down my
spine and gave goosebumps. I loved you're voice, and how you play the harp. I play the piano,
but after listening to you and your harp, I want to listen to more. Love your music, and I hope it
gets somewhere, because I love it! ~ Arielle ~ USA, North Carolina You're Music
J'aime votre musique, je vous ai entendu sur Youtube. C'tait simplement beau! Vous tes
un grand harpiste. Laure` ~Hildebrand United States of America
How to describe the pureness and holyness of your sound. The feeling that you passed on to us is go to bed at night with that song stuck in my head...meaning that I'll
be having the nicest dreams ever! :) ~ Julien McLaughlin ~ New-Brunswick, Canada
absolutely beautiful
Dear Yasmeen
Your gift is truly a blessing. The emotion felt transcends all language barriers.
May God continue to bless you and your loved ones. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift with
the world.! Merry Christmas! Nancy Harkey~ Oklahoma, USA
i noticed you through this video
and your music is really touching (i almost started crying)
Ayumi ~ german, leipzig
Breath Taking
I was taken away by your voice. I accidently found you on You Tube and I was hooked. This is the
kind of music and voice I've wanted to listen to but could never find the perfect balance of. O
Habibi is, I think, the most popular song and I can not wait to hear your music softly playing in my
room as I write. This music is so inspiring. I wish you great success and I hope to one day see you
in concert in the States.
~Keo ~ U.S. Breath Taking
This is love. You are Love. Thank you. ~ AGnes ~ Buenos Aires
Music for Hamam
Please come once in Greece and play in hamam in Athens or in old Turkish hamam in Lesvos island or
somewhere else. I m already making a project music for hamam. Anyway, wonderful music. I hope to see you playing live somewhere. Take care. Dimitris ~ Athens, Greece
i so touched by your voice.
i am interested in harp too. Leah~ Philippines, Manila
I found you
on youtube. My family and I love your voice and harp playing. ~ Michelle ~ United States
i cant even explain the emotin that you brought to me...i saw a video on youtube of you......i just
sat there and listened to it over and over....
Don ~ Canada
Not to describe with words
Hello Yasmeen,
i hope you are aware that your music counts to the best of the best made in this century and no one
will ever forget that. I'm sure you will be very successful and i wish you all good for the
Greetings ~ Leo Germany
I happened to come across your youtube video, it was so beautiful i came onto your
site and havn't been able to stop listening to your music, it's truely beautiful and
i'm very glad I found it .
All the best,
Iqra Mazhir ~ Salam ~ England
Heaven Resounding
Yasmeen, your voice and your harp resound heaven itself. God bless you on and on. Rudi Meergans ~ Rhine-Palatinate Heaven Resounding
Yours is the voice of an angel. I don't have the words...amazing. ~ Ola Wow
just like many others i fell straight in love with the way you sing and play
i bought your cd at once. Otis Tarlizos ~ Belgium
wa Shukru...wa Hamdu...
...what the words can tell..? Wind of the Air using Your Voice...the Ear already married...tries to
Praise to Your Baba...who sang You in Dream
O MMMother have mercy...for we are the dreamers ~ Radko Sedlak ~ Germany
An angle on a harp has always been my fantasy. You are the embodiment of heaven. A dream come true! ~Dariusz
Simplement fascinant et envotant. Malgre tout la complexit de ce que je ressens lorsque j'ai
entendu ton art. Flicitation. J'apprcis le fait que tes chants soit en fait, des sons et non
des paroles. L'motion transmise dans ces sons dpasses tout ce qu'un mot pourrait
transmettre. Encore mille fois bravo! ~ Francis Quebec Canada
Listening to you make music was like having a religious experience, and I'm not even religious.
I could only hope you see you perform live someday. Bri US
C'est magnifique... absolument fabuleux... merveilleux!
Merci merci merci!
Amicalement,~ Grard ~ France
Hi Miss Yasmeen. The emperator should like to meet you personaly and talk about your music because
is perfect and beatiful. i should like to have a address to send a personal letter with emperial
seal...Thx for your time ~ oscar ~Portugal mendes
Sweet Angel voice
Thank you for your Music. Finding you on youtube was the most amazing thing we could have found. Me
and my friends play your video at least 100 times per day. I just bought your CD waiting with eager
for its arrival. Please never stop singing and playing that magical Harp of yours. You have a Voice
of an angel and will live forever in our hearts. Thank you again for this music of yours. Hoping to
see more CD of you in the near Futur.
Hail from Canada!
Miguel ~ Canada
Many many thanks for your beautiful voice, music and harp playing, It's a great moment for
ears, eyes and heart !
Hong Kong + France (Isre)
I am a harpist and singer myself and find your music absolutely enchanting. It is rare to hear a
good high voice sing so beautifully. Your music has a very deep healing effect. It directly comes
from the heart, it is unspoiled and pure. Wonderful! Thanks also for having sent the CD so fast over
the ocean! I love it! ~ Mona ~ Chicago, USA CD
Merci !
Hi, what an amazing instrument, can you tell me who you believe is the greatest harp player of all
time? I think you are tremendous, I just clicked on youtube and got you in strasbourg, what are the
chances!!! ~ Craig Robertson ~ Lower Methil, Leven, Scotland
Merci, pour ces quelques minutes de pur bonheur vcues au contact de votre voix. J'ai bien
hte maintenant de recevoir votre CD pour aller plus loin dans la dcouverte de tous ces
"paysages sonores" que vous nous prsenter. En esprant aussi qu'un jour le destin
vous mne donner quelques spectacles, ici, du ct de l'Amrique du Nord et du Canada. Michel Tremblay ~ Montreal
Just came across you on YouTube, you are so amazing, very gifted and beautiful.
I admire you and love what you are doing.
Will be buying one of your CD's on payday, 100%.
xxxxxxxx Krista London, UK
amazing amazing !!!
yosef we heard u on youtube and kept playing it over and over
u r beautiful from the outside and the voice coming from inside u is amazing and deep
r u jewish by any chance ??
would love to buy your cd when i have some money
thanks ~ yosef ~ israel
you are beautiful ~ Alexei ~ Italy
I was just surfing the net.Such as one of the passers by, in the City where you were playing, and I
was utmostly caught by Your "Charm", It's something ancestral brimming with Aria and
fluent as Water. People need artists like You to remember that although Time passes there's
still something ancient as The time, a Soul that can be played Like an Harp. Cuddling Her
strings.Thanks For the Emotion.
Hope You're Coming to Naples.I'd be delighted to He. Valerio ~ Naples-Italy
Ermihalyfalva Lyrics
Chere Yasmeen!
Je ne parle pas bien en francias, mais je veux fliciter pour toi. Tu as un voix merveilleux. Je
t'ai vu en youtube.
Peux-tu envoyer le text du ton chent?
Julia ~ France
ur like an angel!
I wish u the best ur music is out of this world.
speechless,beautiful music,I'm in love with ur music!!
Plz keep up the great n unique music ^ . ^ ~ Israa~ Palestine
Hey! You have a beautiful voice lady! I was just looking for clips of small harps (as I'd like
to get one) on youtube when I came across the vid of you, and thought it was really quite
transfixing, so I was wondering if you were planning on doing any concerts in the UK or Switzerland
in your tour, as I'd love to see you live! Keep it up! ~ Ella ~ switzerland/UK
Hello Yasmeen! I came across your music by meer chance whilst surfing Youtube. You have the most
captivating music, there is nothing to equal it! I am so happy to find someone else who sings in
such a language but is open about it! I think many singers do but see it as such a secretive things,
whether they be spiritual or not. As it is, yours is so angelic it must be heaven sent. Thank you
for sharing your music to the world. You are blessed and we are blessed to listen! Hannah ~ West Coast of Scotland
Music descended from up above
Thrilled with the emotions released from the strings, with heavenly scent of your voice gently
wafting through the air.
God bless you
Ben Salam ~ Canada
comment on music
Just wanted to say that your music helps me find my soul. ~ Matthew
Dear Yasmeen
I just receveid your CD, and it is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for the purity, and the lines of
infinity, in your music.
Maitena ~ Paris
Ps : my sister also ordered a CD (both of us are about your age) , and so is going to do my mother
So Angelic ~ Batch ~ Turkey
Yasmeen - you have an incredible gift. I have just seen your clip on youtube, and just wanted to say
that I have spent a lot of time trying to find music with a heart like this and am amazed by yours.
Please never stop developing and creating this beautiful art.
God bless you!
Angela ~ Ontario Thank-you Great Music
I came across a video of you on you tube and your music is very was also really sad..i
haven't heard any music that divine in a long time...don' t ever stop making your music.. ~ Alexander ~ California
The purity of emotion that I hear in your songs touches me deeply.
The Beloved sings with your voice; we are all blessed who have the good fortune to hear. May you
always be safe and your faith remain firmly rooted!
Stream Tomas Ohrstrom ~ Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace. Stream ~ Washington, DC
c'est magnifique; musique d'ange, visage d'ange vous devez tre surement un ange. ~ Gerald ~ France
Your voice
I have seldom heard a more ethereally haunting voice. You absolutely must play a concert in
Ireland... Ian
Wonderful CD
Hi Yasmeen, just so everyone who reads this will know, your cd is amazing ;-) It is very peaceful
and I will share it with my friends no doubt. You are so gifted and so blessed. I hope you have
another cd very soon. Blessings to you Yasmeen ;-) Kenny ~ San Diego, CA
hi yasmeen i really love your naturaly musicso romantic to the nature and so peaceful
...but please PLEASE add more music of you on youtube or something else the world must see your
beautiful music
andy Germany
Coming to the Island?!
I've just found you today and I've been listening to your sample music non-stop. It's
hauntingly gorgeous. I read your personal note and saw that you're coming to Vancouver Island
this summer?! Please, can you let us know when and where? I'd love to hear your music in
person. Thanks. -Danielle ~ Vancouver Island
Dear Yasmeen
Please consider coming to Portugal (maybe you can start by contacting l'Institut
Franco-Portugais a Lisbonne -, where there are thousands of
churches with splendid acoustics and some wide open souls ready to hear your music
May the Sound be with you forever and ever
Blessings ~ Francisco Oneto ~ Lisbon
Coming to Germany?
Hi Yasmeen!
I really love your music!
Your voice sounds like a mix of an angel an an elf.
Absolutly beautiful. I am starting to play the celtic harp and your music is a great inspiration for
I hope (perhaps in 2010) you consider also coming to Germany?
I woul really like to come to a concert!
Blessings :-) ~ Waldemar Bremen, Germany Coming to Germany?
Shen Yun
Filip Bukovic Croatia Shen Yun
Love it.
I must say that you sound beautiful. So pure and dreamlike.
I also play the celtic harp, but Iv'e only played for a year...
It sounds like you are a bit inspired from Lisa Gerrard?
Best wishes
/Severina Sweden Love it.
I love your job, you are like a angel singing
Sorry but i don't know write so good in english.
I just wanna to say congratulations.
I just like to know how can i buy your CD in Brazil?
Thanks and have nice day. ~ Wager Spiazzi ~ Brazil
Wal(hallo)din Dir!
Lass dich nicht fesseln und nicht hinter kirchenmauern einsperren. Dein Sang soll frei sein. Freja!
Freja! Freja! gib ihr kraft. Sascha ~ German
Hello love, you are a channel for Goddess, and your voice will heal many. Thank you for having the
courage to shine.
~Taygen ~ Vancouver Canada
Life Changing
I could write paragaphs..volumes of praise. I think by now you may realize the gift you give is
profound for others. So, simply, Thank You. ~ Dane~ Boise, Idaho
I am thankful I have stumbled upon your beautiful music.I am impatiently awaiting the arival of your
cd.I have posted your street vid on my facebook page.Hope you can tour the states soon.I know you
would do well.I hope you read this for I am a musician and know quality when I here it.Stay happy
and love life. ~ Kenny arnold ~ Huntsville al. usa
harp music
Saw the youtube video: great original! Reminds a little of music of the Spanish Renaissance (know of
Shirley Rumsey?). Know Siobhan Armstrong? Promotes celtic harp in Ireland today. Plays traditional
but loves instrument. Know Rudiger Oppermann? From Strasbourg and organises harp festivals in
Germany. He is experimental "fusion": not a songwriter. Would love this, though. I'll
try and get your cd. Best wishes. ~ owen mcgee ~ Ireland
The sound of your language
Ay geigh tyuncah noi do myen
Baru kwey eh holca nway duan
Cyep sta coyam iseh toko
Er ulsh byon mwelee paciabo
You are gifted in the sound of language. The words I've written above are also from no
(formal) language, and you are the first person whom I've heard who has put this ability of
theirs to music. ~ Alan McIntyre ~ London UK
Your music
Your music is so beautiful and unique. I can't wait to get the CD! God bless you and best wishes. ~ Elice ~ Northern Arizona, USA
so sweet yet confident
Hello to Yasmin,
People have asked me to compose but I havn't had the energy and need a good musical influences
in my life. I wonder if you can correspond with me, and tell me more about your music.
Rochelle Brown
Thank you
I got my cd yesterday and it is amazing.I love your music.Please come tour the states.I am sure many
would love to pay to hear you. ~ Kenny Arnold ~ alabama,usa
Merci !
Ta voix est si pure qu'elle semble intemporelle, comme si elle avait travers les sicles et
les poques. Elle me fait penser au pass, au prsent et au futur comme un message venu
d'ailleur... Cristalline et mouvante, elle apaise et fait beaucoup de bien au corps comme
Il y a des artistes que l'on dcouvrent, et des artistes qui te dcouvre ...
Merci pour tout ~ Pierre ~ Tours ( France )
Beautiful songs
I am listening to your CD. When listenings to your music, suddenly, I don't know why but I am close to crying.
It's not an exaggeration, but your music is beautiful.
I thank for your harp and songs. ~ Kuniaki Maruyama ~ Tokyo, Japan
Yesterday, i was in Granada,from Spain, and near the Cathedral a girl played the arpa...A beautiful
song. After, when i came back to my home, i searched arpa's songs, and i saw "o
habibi"... I feel so good listening it... Thanks you Yasmeen for to sing and play a music so
beautiful. Thanks you because today, like i have seen...there are little things what can to make the
life more beautiful, and you and your music are one of those. ~ Izan ~Thanks You Madrid, Spain Gracias
You are extremely charismatic, talented, with this strong yet sad voice, and a profile of kindness
and confidence for your skills and I would like to tell you, that you are an angel who came to
earth, to make our lives better, softening our souls, brightening our days.
I'm getting straight away your cd, and I would absolutely love to see you live on stage
performing.Yasmeen, please, KEEP SINGING :)
p.s.:I decided if I ever have children this will be their lull ~ Joanna ~ Greece, Athens
Yogen a voice like angels breath....
Yogen England, South
Concert in Vienna ?
Hallo Yasmeen, I want to organize a concert in Vienna for you! So if you are in Europe you can also play in Vienna. Please send a message!
Erman Askin - Vienna
Great voice and talent.
I saw the movie on Youtube and searched your website. I love your voice and songs. Maybe when you visit The Netherlands, you could do something together with harpist Jennifer van der Harten from the Group Omnia ( btw, is a good idea to sell your songs?
Suzanne - Netherlands
I got the Cd!! Thank you very much. It is great!! Your voice is pretty as you are. Eduardo - Len, Spain
Many Thanks
Your voice simply pierces my heart so deep and gently, thank you for all the gifts you bring to this world, you are a true blessing Looking forward to listening to your cd and eventually - who knows - see you in concert May all good things be yours, dear *~~ Julien - Montreal
Oh I love your music very much! I saw your video on youtube and I fell in love with it. I hope you do come to Canada or USA soon, I would love to see you. I very much would like to learn how to play the harp because of you!!! God bless you and best of luck in everything!!! - Victoria Vann - - USA Hello!
I want to wright you something in your stile. In that stile you are singing. Just to go with the flow of words... You are the voice of childhood, infancy. So pure, so clear... I'm crying all the time. Like I'm remembering something ancient. Spasibo, Olya. Anton - Russia,Moscow KUTA VARTE LISANTE DEBORTE FARUNA ASHARTATE!!!)))))))
Beautiful girl singing in Strasbourg
Rose is locked in a room full of straw and has to spin it all into gold by the morning ,and as she
weeps, Rumpelstiltskin appears from nowhere and, for a small token spins it all for her, where do
souls like yours come from with such magic charm, it isnt just how beautiful you look and the
magical sound of your voice,it gives us hope,it lifts our spirits, maybe fairy stories are not fairy
stories at all. thanks for spinning my straw to gold. -TD UK
Bonne continuation Merci
tant moi mme harpiste, c'est par hasard, que j'ai trouv votre vido. Et comment dire,
votre voix enchanteresse m'a compltement subjugue ! Je vous invite poursuivre votre qute
musicale et y trouver toujours la mme inspiration. C'est un plaisir rel pour nos oreilles,
qui y trouvent un repos artistique.
Je vais de ce pas commander votre CD.
En attente patiente du prochain.- Astyelle - France
you make me crying - Der Graf - Germany
You have a incredible sound with a single word.I would definitely like to get your CD from Turkey. How can I get ? Thank you very much for the music feast. -Umut - Turkey
So wurde geballter Schnheit ein Klang verliehen! - Nordi - Germany
Yasmin ,you have swept my soul with your voice and strings . hearing O HABIBI from you-tube played
out side in Strasbourg swept my feelings quite immeasurably perhaps one day fate shall guide your way to sing in the green covered hills just to the south -west of Jerusalem SHALOM O
I love it
Hy Yasmeen,
Deine Musik ist echt wunderschn! Es fhlt sich an, als ob ich deine Worte fhlen knnte,jedoch nur mit meinem Herzen. Ich finde es super wie du Gefhlen und Emotionen eine so schne Ausdrucksweise gibst.
Alles gute und viel Glck
Patricia -Schweiz
Tu as vraiment une magnifique voix ! J'espere pouvoir te voir as un de tes concerts =) Hillel - france
Beautiful and Soul-filling!! I am so happy to have found you! - Melanie Rose - Malibu Canyon, California
Truly beautiful music
Your recordings are incredible. You say you make them up as you go? Is that correct? Out of
curiosity, are you baptized in the Holy Spirit, meaning: Do you speak in tongues? And if not, do you know what I am talking about? - Blayney-Paul Foster -Morgan Hill, California, USA
truly touching
WOW, you realy take us with you to old forgotten times. its like you're some kind of an bard. you realy know how to touch people with you're music :) keep it up. by the way, you're
voice would also sound great together with an tin/low whistle or recorder (with you playign the
harp). ever tried to play with someone who can play one of those? gr arjan - netherlands
hola yasmeen:
ol ol are incredible...since i saw you i feel and special interior coneption with you, i play the harp celty too and i do my onw the street!!!!and your are as a window inspiraton open to me...soo ill would like contact you,if you have time send me a email,i speek spanish is a friend that is writen this...soo is a really pleasure eart your songs!!! in a special
O habibi...SUCCESS ALL THE SUCCES FOR YOU WORK!!! victor moreno - spain
Thank you....So many words...
There are no words in any language that can express... describe...what I felt when I heard O habibi... your voice...the words...the harp... For years, I have had a great love for nature, music, arts.... I've always been a sensitive person to energies...auras...people...emotions...sound... It is hard to explain. But since I was a very small child, I've sang, played music. I never sing in English, or any
language. I sing what I feel. I have not recorded any of my ballads, music... I'll sing something, and remember parts of it, but is is different every time I sing it. I....when I heard you sing, I could not stop crying. It is hard to describe to anyone what voice comes forth unless they themselves have the same
experience.It took me a while to come here and post a comment. Words are hard to find,I use emotion,energies mostly to express myself.Thank you...thank you so much, for sharing your gift,your voice,your talent,love with the world.It brings so much light,happiness to me to hear you sing and
play harp.I am sure many feel that way....thank much.... - Jennifer - United States
An angel thank you
That type of unforgettable talent should be heard around the world on radios everywhere. When i
clicked play, my heart skipped a beat and i felt relieved of everything that was stressing me out
for years. My soul felt as if it came out of my body and came back in with a new face. I dont have enough money to buy it because im broke, i will save up and purchase it and spread its
glory through out the U.S of its magic and healing abilities. Even if the CD costed a million
dollars, id still seriously buy it. I feel the past, present, and future all in one when my ears are
bathed in the medieval essence. So thank you god for creating such a perfect person to spread a
message in music form all over paris and hopefully, the world. http:// - Michael Krum - United States
Paing my respects.
Altough it is time for me to sleep, I needed to come here and show my respect to you.
I think all the previous comments already say what needs to be said.
You are wonderfull. You are kind inuf to play for the people outside... But you could rock
Arenas...I think you have greatness in you.
I just hope that you find the right people and do whatever it is you love to do.
Many Many Respects to you. - Samer Haddad - The Hague, Netherlands
thank you
Tashi Delek
Thanks for be inspiration for us.
sorry, my english is not good.
your song was so blue and deep that my tears flow from my eyes. I love your soul.
kisses from Canary Island. Victor-
My beloved...
O'; mermaid of the sea.... O'; fairy of the spring.... Continue on your journey to guide us.
Entrance us with your mighty soul. Your heart is weeping out and I can hear it. Cry more! We all
feel your pain. We shall all share the pain with you. Although I don't know the language of
your songs, I feel as though they are Gaelic. But I think your music has no language. It's sanctified from the soul. I love it. You are truly a beautiful person. Guide us to glory, please. - Atma Daytona Beach, Florida
hi :)
Take it from another musician: only a few things amaze me like you and your work did. Wish you the
best on your journey, hope you come to my country sometime. Attila Bakos - Hungary
Tres Bien!
Just got the CD and loved every minute of it. I highly recommend it. Vernon - Anchorage, Alaska USA
I just discovered your music this evening, and I must say I've fallen in love. Your voice is
beautiful, the harp accompaniment is enchanting and the melodies are wonderfully haunting. I will
definately be telling my friends about you!
Have a great day, and good luck with your music. - Olivia - USA
Simply Beautiful....
vladimir.vecka @ seznam . cz Dear Olya,Im a musician but I never heard such Angel voice. Your voice and music will sound me till
end of my life, believe me..... Vladimir - Domalice,Czech Republic
God bells you. I love it...
Hi my name is Monica, I'm 26 y-old I just would like to say so much but at the same time I
don't know what to say lol. I love it all your voice the music and the art. I don't just
hear it all I feel it. It is beautiful. The first time I saw you was on youtube and I felt in love
with the song O Habibi is great I love all the songs. If I lived close to you I would help you out
with promotions. God Bless You... Your music is just hunting. keep up the good work, But never forget about God. Monica - TX USA
yay! cd recieved!
lianesadler @ hotmail . com I just received your CD in the post the other day and I just wanted to say thank you so much!! Your voice is incredibly beautiful and perfectly accompanied by the ethereal sounds of your lovely harp playing.
Your songs are thought-provoking and emotionally connective. thank you so much again!! You have enchanted me and I really hope you are able to produce more CDs in the future - I will be buying them all!!
Good luck with everything in your future.- Liane - Australia
Thank you yasmeen.
Yasmeen thank you so much for sharing your music, it is such an inspiration to me. Your voice and
message is beautiful, and I fell in love it.
thank you so much.
please come visit Vancouver, I'd love to hear you live.
Good luck. - Sarah - Vancouver BC.
superduper297 @ yahoo . com Yasmeen,
I believe your voice could calm any man. The world needs more women like you, or at least with your
effect. I'm gonna buy your cd. Your voice is beautiful, your music is beautiful. Your beautiful.
Zachary -Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A :)
Hi Yasmeen!I'm a little harpist (12 years old),and you are my beau ideal.I'm hungarian but
living in Romania.You are my favourite harpist!Sorry for my bad english - Rhel - Romania
Thank you dearest little Rhel, what a beautiful name you have, I am so happy you also play harp, I am sure you play very well. I send you my eternal love -Your Yasmina
You my dear are blessing of the goddess and gods. Your music is something magical. A true inspiration! - Maria - Texas =3
I absolutely love your music. You have such good voice control and excellent skills in playing the
harp. Your music is beautiful and haunting at the same time. Sad yet joyful. I love it. It makes me want to listen to your songs over and over again. - Claire - United States
Yasmeens music
This is the most beutiful music I have heard in years. I would buy it immediately if it were an easier task for Australians. I wish yasmeen well and would visit the mall in which she plays . I would attend a concert if I had
the opportunity, and would hear more of her career. I love the traditional harp and this unique
music will be passed on to all my friends, who discern beauty in craft, and excellence in .-Yu Ime - australia
you... Beautiful!
I love your music and your voice is very beautiful and touching. The harp only makes it much more beautiful, I've never known to appreciate other instruments like the harp until now. You're music is really touching and I can only wish you the best in your career. May God bless you... - Ellen Grieves - United States
I stumbled across your beautifull music on Youtube and almost got tears in my eyes. You relay
should come play next year at the summer fests in Nijmegen at the falkhof afaire, they will love you as I did . -Rulelove - Netherlands
Thank you
The voice i hear
come from light..
..That you are,
With Love Gisela portugal
Your voice is simply angelic, the most beautiful I have ever heard. But don't think your harp playing isn't glorious too, it really adds to the mood and feel of your songs. I hope you become very successful and that you enjoy every bit of what you do. The music really does make me
tear up a bit. Thank you so much for making this and I'm sorry my dollar could not help you
more. Hopefully I will be hearing more of your work in the future. :) -Misty United States
Your music is truly beautiful, simple and pure. You have for sure the most beautiful, angelic voice
I have ever heard.
Keep up the good work! - Grace - U.S.
bless you
may you always let Love Be Itself through you.
your music smells like what your name means in greek: jasmine.
greece would love you...for your spiritual ancient beauty.
hope you travel to europe soon.
The Peace of God may be with you - - melita - Greece
oh my god
will you marry me?! lol. this is seriously the most beautiful music ive ever heard. i listen to
nothing but hip hop and this has changed my life. not even lying. keep it up and thanks for
blessing the world with this spine tingling expression! alex-san jose, ca
In a language of your own..
How could u capture all these hearts & souls when u're not even singing a living
language?It's all about ur feelings, ur sincere voice, ur expression of the deepest human
sensations with the simplest most angelic rhythms.It just proves beauty and simplicity r the very
essence of all things. As many did, I shed a tear listening to ';O habibi' which in my
language Arabic, means 'Oh my love. God bless you, your harp, your finger tips, and your voice..- Hoda - Washington, DC .
Hi :)
Hi!, just amazed by your suttle love and sound, very delicate, you come from which realm?!...
I play the harp, but just a little. Your harp sounds sublime and is also beautiful. Which kind of
harp is it? a salvi?
my best regards,
silvia - Georgia - madrid
I have had the CD on repeat since I got it in the mail this afternoon. It's wonderful to listen to while I do my homework: no words to distract me! I also recommended it to friends who have also picked up the CD after being directed to the site. I cannot wait for the next CD! Bonnie - Massachusetts Just recieved my CD
so rarely
So rarely, do you find something as rare as you.
you love your music, you play and sing with love
and nothing else and you're beauty is a mirror of both. enchanted to have seen and heard, sad that this moment has already passed away with nothing ever meant to show for it, as a grain falls in the hour glass. Merci. - Matthew Sean - U.S.
nedaforoughi @ shaw . ca we loved your CD. May the Divine keep pouring in to your heart so that who ever hears you sing will
know the majesty of our creator, and will come to search for the Habib.
with love. neda - with love. north vancouver
You are simply amazing!
I am blown away! I have been playing harp for about 13+ years and singing for 3+ years, and I can not believe how amazing you are! Both your skills with the harp and your singing are angelic! Do you have sheet music for sale by any chance? Camille - Portland, Or
Thank you
I have received your beautiful CD today and wanted to thank you from my heart for such magical music
that you play and your angelic voice! I have been listening to you all day today. And I have also
got one CD for my friend :-) Simply amazing..So soothing, so beautiful...Thank you again... -Larisa - Ireland
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